Christmas Home Decor

Here are some ideas for DIY Christmas Home Decor elements to deck the halls this year.  No need to spend a fortune.  Try these three tips below...

1.  Lights, lots of lights.  The tree with colorful lights is a 7 foot Noble fir with 8 strands of lights. Be sure to weave the strands towards the center of the tree and not just the edge of the limbs to ensure lights throughout.

2.  Inexpensive bulbs can be your best friend.  They come in a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes.  There are economy packs at all the big box stores (Hobby Lobby, Lowes, Walmart, At Home, Michaels, etc.). 

3.  Try adding in items other than ornamnets to get that designer look for less.  Again, all the big box stores carry some sort of spray or twig like items that bring another texture to the tree or mantel.

Want some help decorating this year.  Let Courtney Holland Interiors help you.


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